A poignant farewell in Pierpaolos own words – di Marisa D’Errico


A heartfelt thank you to everyone at Desaleo, a non profit association, for being a part of the special efforts that were made to help Pierpaolo Piras fight Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
His desperate battle against this cancer knew no bounds together with his will to live, and his incredible strength and bravery, which became an example of courage to all that knew him. For his wife, Daniela and his two young children, for his family, for us at Desaleo and for all the associations, organizations and people from all walks of life that donated towards his cause, the news that Pierpaolo’s life came to an end recently was devastating.
Below is a translation from Italian to English of Pierpaolos last words, a letter written to us all expressing his deep regret that non of the treatments were successful.
He writes of his appreciation for all that was done to help him in his fight to beat his cancer and explains his immense gatitude for the support and abundance of love he received during the last part of his journey here on earth .
Desaleo and all of its members wish to thank Pierpaolo and his family for allowing us to be a part of his life and to share in his struggle against Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
This experience has touched us all profoundly and we have been truly blessed by his beautiful soul and spirit.
Arrivederci Pierpaolo, till we meet agan on the other side of the stars.

Marisa D’Errico

… And in his words…

I know I have brought displeasure to the many who together with me had hoped for a different ending to this story ….
I myself dreamed of a big party, in the square, eating and celebrating with those who had given me the opportunity to heal.
Then also a party in Sardinia, in the land where I grew up and who has shown on this occasion that she has not forgotten me …. unfortunately it is not us who decide and things went differently.
I want to tell you, however, that after so many months of suffering, all of you have been able to give me hope, just when it seemed that all was lost.
I truly believed in that hope , so much so that it was with that hope that I faced the last days of my life with serenity.
We will never know why I, Giovanni, Alfonso and Luciano had to leave this land so early, our friends, our families and above all our children ….
I asked you and you gave me so much, however I have one last request for you … be there for these children that this life has forced us to leave, be what you have been for me: a big family and with love teach them that solidarity, compassion and mutual help make even the saddest of stories have a greater purpose … that of love for our neighbor which will never makes us feel alone even in the greatest of suffering. I will be watching over you from up there,together with Giovanni, Rossano, Alfonso and Luciano.
Ciao guys, you were great.